
Saturday, March 12, 2016

The education system in Britain

Site status: Britain is composed of three regions are England, Wales and Scotland, as well as Northern Ireland, located south-west of Europe, off the northwest coast of the continent of Europe.
Nicknamed Lady ancient world or Great Britain, because they were considered in the nineteenth first marine and industrial power in the world century, it has been able to Albraitaniyon control over nearly a quarter of the world's surface, but this force fell after the First and Second World Wars.
Britain has emerged as a superpower after the defeat of France in the Napoleonic Wars, and continued as a prominent until the middle of the twentieth century, after the emergence of the United States on the world stage.
Britain has seen in the second half of the eighteenth century industrial revolution led to an enormous development of all areas of life from education, industry and trade.
The political system in the United Kingdom a constitutional monarchy, with Queen Elizabeth II holds the throne Kmensb honorific has no powers of recall, while the government holds the Foreign Affairs and Defense Management, also has the authority of the Parliament of the United Kingdom legislation on its behalf.
The predominant religion in Britain is Aldiagnh Christianity, along with the Islamic religion that spread among immigrants who settled in Britain from different nationalities, and there are also other Kalahudyh religions, and some Indian doctrines.
Climate .. Joe UK fast-changing and unpredictable trajectory, due to its geographical location, and cloudy skies most of the time and the rain falls in most seasons of the year.
Economy, Britain is the leading force in global trade and a major financial centers, the capitalist economic system and one of the largest economies in the Western world.
The predominant language is English, with some other local languages, such as Welsh and Scottish.
British education properties
Democracy Education .. where are granted the school administration and teachers the freedom to organize the school, also gives all individuals equal opportunities in academic achievement, regardless of religion, color, sex, social class
Class education Almadrsa..vhnak special education for the children of Alastqratih class, and there is a good education, which provides for the general public
Mandatory public education .. characterized the school of general education in Britain period of compulsory education up to 11 years long
Focus on the practical aspects of Applied .. Where has brought the industrial revolution in Britain since the eighteenth century, tremendous changes in the education system, represented a shift programs and curricula of the theoretical and practical side to side Applied
Moderation in diversity .. due to the educational policy that combines centralized and decentralized system of government in the country
People responsible for the education of the people .. diversified its institutions contribute effectively to the education and supervision of the management, due to the democratic rule of style in the political life of the respect and appreciation of all individuals
Provide religious education .. comprising Britain in the demographic composition of different races and ethnicities and religions carry a variety of philosophies, prompting the educational system to provide a formal religious education in public schools.
Freedom of private schools and educational authorities sectarian .. do not put any obstacles in order to set up these schools, but backed and makes them part of the educational system
 The educational system goals
Provide education system and vascular image, which allow students to collect the skills and qualifications highest levels
The development of mental skills in children, and encourage them to research, develop their ability to question and debate logically
Children and young people prepare to assume responsibility in the next day, and help them understand the course of life in the world around them
Instill respect for the social, national and moral values ​​in the hearts of children, and familiarize them with tolerance races and other religions
Helping children to use language efficiently and effectively, reading, writing and speaking, and support and develop the tendency to knowledge and comprehension in all subjects
Encourage continuing education, so students can use their skills and knowledge to compete effectively in the changing world of work
Care of needy children, the disadvantaged and those with special needs, and to provide ways and means of study and education for them
Develop a coherent frame of reference, a national qualifications fine for all ages
Encourage employers to invest in skills required by the market owners
Levels of education in Britain
First: Education pre-primary schools
Students receive from the age of 3-5 years free stage and it is mandatory vary in terms of the authority supervising them and ancillary institutions
Flexible curricula varied in order to create a child to learn and trained to exercise proper social behavior
The number of children does not increase in children's schools, usually about forty children, with a large number of qualified specialists.
Education authorities require that all crew have female worker
Teaching methods used for children are learning by playing, singing and listening to stories aimed
Second Primary Education
Divided into two parts
1. school children (5-7)
2. Primary Schools (7-11)
Free stage, as well as the start of a mandatory compulsory in the British education system.
Study programs include a variety of religious education, and aims to prepare a good citizen
No binding books, and school teachers and sets of textbooks and teaching methods
Teaching depends on the way to encourage research and innovation among students, not just the conservation and indoctrination
This phase ends test known (+11)
Full order of the day at the school where the child spends about seven hours a day, which starts from nine o'clock until three and a half
Bear the full responsibility for school education, where exams are mitigated to reduce the psychological pressure on children • As well as easing the homework out of respect for the rights of the child
Automatic promotion of students, there is no repetition and that the child is the level below the level of his peers is transferred to them with his own care.
Each school adopt its own curriculum, the curriculum generally focuses on the research and promote reading, especially reading stories aimed
Third: secondary education
Bmujd Butler Act extends the period of study at the secondary level from the age of eleven until eighteen, and is divided into two sections:
1. secondary .. regular five-year term, and then finish the compulsory education stage.
2. Secondary High .. duration of the study has two years and required to be obtained for university study.
• secondary education in the UK consists of four types of schools differ among themselves in terms of the policy of admission of students and come in the order
1. General high school (academic)
It is the oldest types of secondary schools in Britain and is very social status for historical reasons.
Selection is based on a policy which accepts students from the elite, who represent almost 20% of the number of students who are studying with the academic nature of materials.
Students receive a certificate of secondary normal if their standard stops at the first five years, and when complete the next two years gets certificate of secondary high standard.
2. Technical Secondary School
Are also a great place and you get a proportion of the best students successful in the entrance exam, students are attended by people with artistic inclinations.
The school offers theoretical subjects as well as for professional and technical materials for industries and crafts, and qualifies the students of this school to high technical studies.
3. Modern High School
This type of school was established under the law of Butler in 1944, and attended by ordinary students in achievement levels.
Curriculum combines theory and professional materials, as well as materials for work Alseckertarah and management.
It suffers from some problems such as the low level of education, because of the different capabilities of the students and the low level of teachers, lack of educational services.
Decline in this type of school in front of widespread comprehensive high schools, where she became common for secondary education in the UK style
4-high school overall
This type currently represents the modern image developed in British secondary education, and that builds Created PT.
Comprehensive school accepts all students without discrimination and irrespective of their affiliations with their abilities and their levels
Comprehensive school offers academic programs of study and professional variety
Achieve universal school equal opportunities for all and eliminate the social differences
Management and supervision of the Education
Britain, one of the capitalist countries that sanctifies individual freedom and had a Hedda principle impact on the Department of Education, where he was given the opportunity for multiple points of overseeing the education and management.
Department of Education gathered in Britain between the central and decentralized, and this in turn led to a moderate diversity of educational systems and multiple types of schools, and the equalization of opportunities for all individuals.
Butler Act represents a summary of education reforms in Britain, has this law gave the final stamp of the education system, where he organized the distribution of oversight responsibilities on education between the government and local authorities.
Role of the Ministry of Education
The central authority is the Ministry of Education represented by the Minister of Education and is responsible to the parliament and can not enact laws only after approval from parliament
• The minister helps to follow the instruction policy apparatus includes Her Majesty's inspectors and the inspection of schools and provides advice to the ministry on matters of education
• Minister Advisory Board of Education assists along with independent bodies and other assisted managers and agents
Local authorities
It holds the responsibility of the state of education plan, the establishment of schools and colleges, school maintenance and delivery of services to students, and the appointment of teachers and the school principal.
• The Director of Education and the local Education Department of Education and funded in his area within the overall framework defined by the instruction legislation and instructions of the Ministry of Education.
• voluntary organizations pursue and teachers union in shaping education policy in the country.
· Inspection is a system for evaluation and follow-up in order to develop and upgrade work in schools, and provides the opportunity for the Board of Directors at the school, teachers, parents and local councils to stand on school performance and contribute to their development level.
• follows the parliament inspection device directly and inspector monarchy headed by a minister, and follows the device educational standards office.
• be inspected within a certain mechanism and timing, are selected through the school computer, and the inspection team takes a number of its members ranges between 15-20 inspector by school size.
• The report submitted to the presidency of Her Majesty Queen Library, as pinion copies of it to the school board and the local director of education.
• Includes private schools and communal inspection.
• If a team of inspectors was sentenced School of weakness or failure in the application of specific standards raises the report to the office and decide to re-inspection team to the school again.
Education funding
· • central authority through the assistance provided by the Ministry of Education by 60%
• local taxes that local authorities collects and covers 40% of the education expenses

Distance Learning

In which a lot of colleges considered that the cooperation system is the way towards rapid transition to distance education, there are two models worthy of mentioning are the University of Western rulers and the Committee of the Southern Region of the e-learning (in America), and despite the fact that both covers the major geographic regions, however, their results mixed . The League (Westin Qovrnerz) or (Western rulers), founded in 1998, has promised to revolutionize the field of higher education by offering degrees based on based on proficiency testing system, which can compete with colleges currently exist. University has failed (Alaustn Qovrnerz), which includes 200 students from the Bachelor of achieving any of its objectives and the university suffers from a deficit in the budget in addition to the problem of non-recognition. The southern region of the committee was founded in the year 1998 but also has not received the same public interest that I found University (Westin Qovrnerz), and did not try to put frameworks academic or compete with any party. But merely to give students access to courses offered by colleges to participate via the Internet. It seems that this method has been successful there are more than 20 thousand students receiving courses online through the member institutes of the Committee for the southern province education. It seems that the US and institutes have started drifting towards the idea of ​​the Committee on the southern province education through distance education in terms of securing access to the courses provided by these colleges to students via the Internet. Says Bruce Halux (Bruce Chalaux) of the Committee on the Southern Region director of education (we believe that we have the model proved during the first two years as an effective model). At a time when colleges and universities tend to cooperate with each other in order to create and distribute the courses that are taught remotely, these colleges and universities have found that for such cooperation drawbacks also has its benefits. And administrators working in cooperation with each other to face some problems such as access to the recognition and provide student services and testing and to address matters of financial and other problems. Some obstacles have emerged because education is nothing new to a lot of colleges and institutions involved. And looks a lot of providers of education for service after to benefit from the experience (West Qovrnerz) and the Committee of the province south of educational The Westin Qovrnerz and the Committee for the south represent Harikyin two brothers, has organized Westin Qovrnerz to be a university free and combines courses from the member institutes under the umbrella of a unified Academy, and at the same time we find that the Committee of the South given service is a little more site provides services on the Internet. Like any institution within the system involved or the cooperation of the South Commission, representing the simple model that seems to have taken its broadly and does not have many problems, The Westin Qovrnerz has taken a revolutionary with a slim chance of success uncertain. And one of the most prominent reasons for such cooperation is that it leads to the creation of successful marketing tools .. The more cooperation opportunities for the Foundation The more sites that include courses that institution and thus will increase the number of students who are interested in the search for those courses. But some institutions that have entered into Charkiyat believes that the chances of the possibility of marketing individual is not considered useful in all cases, if we found that students at the University of their services not offered by other institutes makes it difficult to determine what kind of services can be provided that cooperation. And still strong demand for cooperation, and institutes can benefit from innovative ideas in other institutes and colleges can share services with other colleges. The Westin Qovrnerz Institute offers courses organized by about 40 colleges and universities in 22 states, stretching as far east to Virginia in addition to the Institute in Canada and one in Guam. Students dialers and gets in the courses at the site of Western Qovrnerz on the steps of Western Qovrnerz University after they pass university exams they receive in the end on the steps of the scientific university, the Institute provides 950 Corsa semester and 5 degrees and scientific works to add more, and despite the fact that the university rented office in the town Hall (Salt Lake) and accommodates any student. He says Ellicott Cha director of education at the University of Westin Qovrnerz: (We emphasize that a different model). The initial expectations of the university has estimated the number of students who will be registered in the year 2000 with 500 students, but he has scored 200 students only in the bachelor's program at the University of Westin Qovrnerz So far, the university has announced that 300 students will participate in the certification programs in addition to the 7,000 in training programs and did not launch any of those programs so far, officials at the university say they are interested in obtaining the necessary recognition before focusing on expansion. By contrast, officials in the South Commission's educational decided not to establish a new university, and decided to have a university website is a reference to the courses offered by online colleges in the 16 mandate of members of the Education Commission of the Southern Region, which .. The number of courses registered now stands at about 3200 Coors the program started with 102 Bachelor through 262 institutes, the students get a degree from those institutions. Having taken about 20 thousand students courses via the Internet organized by institutes that cooperated with the Education Commission of the South in the academic year 1998 -1999 m. Mr. Robert Mendanhal president of Northwestern University Qovrnerz attribute the cause of the growing acceptance of the cooperatives programs in higher education that students are not indifferent to come to a particular university, and adds that the students have become interested in enrollment by more than a university or institute before they graduate. Now the important thing is that the university authorities the issue of recognition, and it was to have undergone a review by a special regional committee to recognize, the Commission recommended the nomination of the university, something that is a first step towards recognition. If it went on that vein, the university will be given the necessary recognition and within a few years, after that the students graduating from the institute. He says a member of the Republican Party (ATA Mike) who was one of the first supporters of the project University Westin Qovrnerz: (I expect that bringing the number of students enrolled after obtaining a direct recognition). He adds: (to my point of view that things are not moving quickly took up more time than you would imagine). Although the governor Avaat leavitt was among those who expected registration of large numbers, but he says: The question of the number is not as important as a matter of obtaining the necessary recognition. Competition system has been designed to suit the working students who do not have time to go to college, and gives the bachelor after the student succeed in the competitive exam, regardless of whether the student has completed a university Corsa or not. University explained that the majority of students enrolled in study programs for after they are over thirty. Mr. Mendihal say that the University has brought a lot of attention to online education :( I have motivated other institutions for educational work sites).

E-learning and basic education

We saw the current era is technically advanced in many fields, and it was the highlight witnessed this era is the information revolution, which made a big coup in the nature of receiving the information both on the lesson and lecture level or at the level of the general culture in circulation and knowledge, and this increases the consolidation of the concept of individual instruction or self , which tracks the learner to learn according to his ability and his abilities and speed of learning, according to who has the expertise and previous skills, however, and in spite of these advantages is not this still kind of education live its infancy and faces obstacles and challenges for basic education, which is the keystone for other education projects that give the learner abilities and skills by , an important period in behavior modification, and the acquisition of new skills as a young child by nature-loving and eager to acquire the knowledge and expertise where it reacts with the teacher and students in the discussions, which provided them with a professor and is affected by seriously affected unlike e-learning.
The first axis: e-learning:
-1-Concept of e-learning:
E-learning (E-Learning) is a type of distance learning is defined as the acquisition of skills and knowledge through well thought out studies with educational materials that are easily accessible through the use of software for browsing, such as Netscape Netscape software or Internet Explorer Internet Explorer program process.
Has ever known (Horton and Horton) comprehensive concept of e-learning as any use of Web technology and the Internet to make learning (Horton and Horton, 2003).
He knew (Henderson) e-learning as distance learning using computer technology (Henderson, 2002). To distinguish the e-learning for distance education, and education using the Internet, it can e-learning is defined as the use of learning content and systems management software (LMS & LCMS) using online technology, according to specific criteria (such as SCORM standards, IMS, IEEE) in order to learn.
2. the nature of e-learning:
And supports e-learning to use the information and gain the skills and the interaction between the student and the teacher and the student and the school, and this type of education requires a school or classes of buildings, because it is linked to means-mail and information networks and communication than to buildings and traditional classes.
Among the main components of this education, we find the learner and the teacher electronically electronically and requires the provision of the following characteristics:
1. Self-learning skill.
2. knowledge of the use of computers, including the Internet and e-mail.
3. advantages of e-learning:
When comparing the e-learning methods of the traditional methods of learning show us the following advantages of e-learning:
1. overcome the limitations of space and time in the educational process.
2. broaden acceptance opportunities in higher education, and overcome the obstacles limited as possible, and to enable higher education institutions to achieve optimal distribution of limited resources.
3. taking into account individual differences among learners and enable them to complete the learning processes valuable structures suitable for them and progress according to their own abilities.
4. The speed of curriculum and program development in line with requirements of the age.
5. Reduce the cost of curriculum and program development.
6. Easy access scientific article (curriculum, References .....) to the students, whether in urban or rural areas.
7. horizon capacity and the perceptions of students through the diversity of information sources.
4. Types of e-learning: -
1-synchronous e-learning Synchronous: which e-learning where the teacher meets with students at the same time to be including text Chat asynchronous connection, or audio or video.
2. E-learning Giralmetzam Asynchronouss: a connection between teacher and student, learning asynchronous can teacher placed sources with the teaching plan and evaluate the educational site, then the student enters the site any time and follow the teacher's instructions to complete learning without that there will be a concurrent connection with the teacher, This is the typical e-learning using mostly.
3. Blended Learning Blended Learning: Built education encompasses a range of media that is designed to complement each other, and learning program built could include many learning tools, such as virtual collaborative learning Messaging software, the decisions adopted on the Internet, and the decisions of self-learning, and systems e-performance support, and learning management systems, learning as well as built-blends multiple events based on activity includes learning in the traditional classroom where the teacher with the students meet face-to-face, self-learning the blending between synchronous and asynchronous learning.
 The second axis: basic education.
-1- Concept of basic education:
The term base education on educational systems alternative unconventional includes years of primary and junior high, according to the method specifically designed to fit the area it applies to the circumstances and depending on the circumstances of each region or each country to adopt this style of learning styles and ten year based on the provision of basic educational needs information, knowledge and skills, and the development of attitudes and values ​​that enable learners to continue in education and training according to their preferences and their willingness and abilities, which aims this education to develop to meet the challenges and conditions of the present and future aspirations, in the framework of the comprehensive community development.
2. basic education dimensions:
A uniform education for all, on the grounds that they were members of one community brought together by common goals and ambitions require a common measure of education and culture, so as to ensure the cohesion of society in accordance with the Arab and Islamic cultural identity.
(B) teach a ten-year line with modern educational trends and requirements of modern life and the needs of society, seeking to expand basic education base and filling the headwaters of illiteracy and provide learners with the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary and core values, and taking into account the characteristics and demands of development in each age group were divided basic education to two : The first episode of the first grade to the fourth and the second episode of the fifth to the tenth grade.
C - inclusive education is characterized in terms of the development of all aspects of the personality of the learner in a balanced and integrated framework.
D - Education is interested in the link between theory and practice, thought and work, education and life in accordance with the principle of integration experience.
E - education seeks some give the learner's self-learning skills in the context of the ongoing concept of education and instill values ​​and practices necessary to achieve excellence in learning and teaching.
And - education is characterized by flexibility in directing output is where the learner for further education and subsequent stages or prepares for training in order to join the labor market, according to the aptitudes and abilities and competencies.
G - education aimed at preparing the learners to contribute to the overall community development.
3. positives basic education features for the teacher:
* Aims for professional development for teachers and attention abilities through the preparation of educational workshops, worksheets and educational meetings and educational media and annual gatherings field, procedural and research.
* Provide an opportunity for the teacher to organize the classroom environment as it deems appropriate to achieve the objective to be implemented in the stake.
* Give the teacher the opportunity to use a variety of teaching methods per share according to the educational objectives and not just the style of dialogue and discussion, as in the general education focus.
* Flexible annual plan prepared by the teacher and the first teacher in the light of the desired goals are achieved during the time period to be performed.
* Providing educational tools for teachers that help in achieving educational goals.
4. technologies for learning and teaching:
Means of learning and teaching and Tqanadtha methods, techniques and strategies adopted are closely related, as the methods and techniques and strategies turn the goals of curriculum frameworks and theoretical justifications process are linked, and this interdependence between all the elements of the educational processes and activities necessary to bear Integrated required quality outputs and the desired level.
In primary education, in particular, ways of learning and teaching and Tqanathma is one of the most important factors that contribute to effective learning and teaching process and using the right ones and make sure when choosing their suitability for instructional strategies, selected and well-employed and timing to achieve the educational goals destination.
5. learning and teaching strategies:
Due to the fact that basic education composition of a constituent to the habits of thought and action and behavior of the learner nascent stage. Most are acquired by the learner at this stage it remains at the subsequent stages of education and in the areas of life and production.
From this perspective stems the importance of learning and teaching processes that make the curriculum alive, active and full dimensions give in basic education.
The curriculum is designed on the basis of pivoting around the learner and inclinations and needs physical and moral, especially in the first cycle of basic education Besides being the focus of the second episode on the maturation of the social orientation of the learner. Also it is taken into account when designing the basic education curriculum not to rely on the strategy of constantly learn and teach one, but to use a variety of strategies according to the needs of learners and the educational nature of the learning situation, as also take into account the individual differences among learners. The teacher's guide provides a rich source teacher with a variety of teaching strategies and methods to ensure the improvement of the quality of learning and teaching and upgraded on an ongoing basis.
6-goals of basic education:
Basic education aims to several aspects of the development is the most important of these aspects:
1. various aspects of the development of personality of the learner a comprehensive and integral development in Atarmpadi Islamic and cultural ideology.
2. - implantation of the Arab and Islamic national belonging and humanitarian development of the learner and his ability to interact with the world around him.
3 - give the learner's life skills and competencies that the development of communication and self-learning and the ability to use a method of critical scientific thinking and dealing with contemporary science and technology.
4. Giving the learner's work and production and proficiency and participation in public life and the ability to adapt to the developments of the times and deal with its problems and consciously aware of, and preservation of the environment and invest their resources and make good use of spare time values.
5. reduce the dropout rate among students.
6. dam headwaters of illiteracy, raise the perceptions and knowledge of students.
Hence it can be said that e-learning is effective can the learner to repeat the information according to the different methods of sensory and accessible on the curriculum because they are available round the clock and allow the learner to choose knowledge content which possibilities are rarely provided basic educational methods that rely on the teacher, who is considered the hub of activity and learning is based on the receipt, rather than on the interaction.

E-learning tools

E-learning tools vary due to the constant development, so all educational institutions used for e-learning faces many challenges in the selection and use of appropriate e-learning tools for Anaajathm and requirements where multiple types of tools and software available is available for selection. The use of these tools in achieving the interaction and communication between the teacher and students. The following are some of these basic building e-learning tools.
Hard parts Hardware
Overall solid parts mean everything essential to the readiness of the personal computer in terms of speed, Brand, internal memory, and other necessary tools for your computer. It is natural that this device be a provider of random memory, and supports Peasant and multimedia. And also must be available for acceleration, video memory, refresh rate, color depth, resolution, multiple monitor support) add it to the screen, DVDCD-ROM, sound card, microphone, modem, keyboard, mouse, camera.
Must take into account in choosing a server computer, a number of e-learning requirements required by the teaching tasks, including the following: the volume of content - Noah hosted files: text, sound, graphics, video .... - the proportion of access to the server Band Width - over the content you develop - programs that must be carried out by a server, such as: Perl Script, Java Server Pages, Active Server program
Networks Networks
LAN LAN: which computers communicate with each group in many ways, are associated with each other using the Ethernet network card, or Token Ring, which is used to connect a circular motion associated with the astral or networks.
WAN WAN: It is linked to a network for a number of divergent computers in sites, offering telecommunications company network linking using T-1 and T-3 telecommunication, or the use of ISDN service. World wide web.
Access to e-learning tools access
Can access e-learning via the browser, media player, and can be accessed e-learning through the browser, and media player are as follows:
Browser provides confronted Mrsomeh Internet and can supply, and run programs, and download files, send files, and support for encryption.
Media player multi palyer
For audio files, image and text number of shapes and each driver must be your computer for example Provider him to run the desired pattern file and media players include: QuickTime Player, Windows Media Player, RealOne Player, Flash Player, Acrobat Reader, Authorware, Director, Quest , ToolBook
Means more than e-learning LCMS - LMS - Server
The server of the basic tools in e-learning, and is known as a server as a program that sends dispatches web pages to the browser Browser
Utilities direct communication tools - server tools (synchronous and non-synchronous)
Objectives and advantages of e-learning
Creating an interactive environment for instruction so that contributes to the creation of infrastructure and base of information technology based on cultural grounds
The development of a mandatory orientation towards information technology through the use of the network by the parents, and communities. Which contributes to find my information developer> community
Strengthen the relationship between parents and school and between the school and the external environment, Bages contributes to learn about the variety of sources of information in different formats
E-learning offers some solutions to the problems of life conditions within the school environment. And through the removal of dissolving the individual differences among the educated or reduced, as well as also break the psychological barriers between the teacher and the learner and promote self-education and interaction between Almtalma
Give students independence and reliability of self in the search for knowledge and information they need in their research and their studies, as well as the development process of their search
Provide learners with IT service future based on the liaison and meet with members of the community from within, or beyond, leading to the development of the skills of dialogue and exchange of creative and constructive ideas
Deployment of technology in society and give a broader concept of continuing education
The speed of development and change curricula and programs on the network scientist of information, which kept pace with educational institutions, plans and requirements of the times without expensive extra Tcalf
Flexibility as easily edit and update content Alimi or training, as well as the transfer of this information to students, depending on the speed of digital information network
The benefits of e-learning
Increase the possibility of contact between students and teachers, and also between students among them. And through the ease and diversity of communication methods such as discussion boards, e-mail, chat rooms
Easy access to the teacher. And so many different ways either by e-mail or discussion boards or chat rooms
Provide time for the teacher, especially with the increasing functions and roles, and the follow-up student work
Increasing the effectiveness of teachers and increase the number of school people, students, helping to solve the problem of the growing numbers with narrow halls and the lack of possibilities available
Multiple teaching methods helping students to choose the manner of their choice to receive the lecture, which helped to achieve high goals instruction Bkivayat and shorten the time and effort
The student gets constant feedback during the process of education and knowledge of the extent of the offering
Providing e-learning education property at any time and any time suitable for students, which helps students organize school time that corresponds with him personally.
Provide rich sources of information can be accessed in a short time
Reduce the cost of education and make it accessible to every member of society commensurate with his abilities, and go along with preparations
Providing support services in the educational process for the students, such as early registration and management of the school and the people build a school schedules and distributed to teachers and other functions
E-learning provides the ability to compensate for the shortage of cadres academy Haltdrebh in some sectors instruction through virtual classrooms
The teacher helps in the preparation of instruction materials for students and compensate for lack of experience, some of them
E-learning helps to provide education for various segments of society opportunities
Content and e-learning management system
Can be defined as an integrated software packages make up a system for documenting Adarho content and follow-up education programs and virtual e-learning and classroom. It also provides tools to control the learning process, the system is working normally on the Internet, although they may also run on the local network.
Features and benefits of e-learning content
Rapid edit content where you can add, modify or delete Bsthaddam main user interface and directly
It provides easy content and especially by the use of the administration, in addition to supporting templates Templates & CSS
Is a content system (LCMS) more of an interactive learning system (LMS) in terms of supporting workflow, as well as Estrada or export IMS or SCORM Content
E-learning content system is an integrated system in terms of: support Internet standards, it can be used in multimedia, as well as helping to provide a single sign-on for users, in addition to the ease of use of the system.

Deanship of Distance Learning

Introduction to e-learning
This period is characterized by changes rapidly due to scientific and technological progress and information technology, so it became necessary to keep up with the educational process for these changes, to address the problems that may arise from them, such as: the profusion of information, and to increase the number of students, lack of teachers and distances.
These changes have led to the emergence of numerous patterns and methods of education, especially in the field of education or individual self, which runs faithful learner according to his ability and his abilities and speed of learning and friendly According to the experiences of previous skills. To cope with these developments and changes emerged the concept of education by using the computer or distance education, which educates students anywhere, anytime without the need for a teacher on a permanent basis.

With the advent of the technological revolution in information technology that has made the world a small village became a need to share such experiences with others.

The definition of e-learning
Can e-learning is defined as a way to teach using modern mechanisms of computers and networks and mechanisms of communication and media Mtaatadh such as voice, image, graphics and mechanics of search, in addition to electronic libraries of all these mechanisms and techniques aimed at securing instruction and interactive environment Mtaatadh sources synchronized manner in the classroom or asynchronous remote tax farming without a specific location, depending on self-learning and interaction between the learner and the teacher. Add to Toviralatsal between teachers and learners the best possible way, so as to deliver information to the learner shortest time and less effort and the biggest possible benefit.
The definition of e-learning is still in the formative stage researchers can not put a specific definition for him, especially with the presence of terms between them and aware overlap, such as distance learning, flexible learning, virtual learning. The reason is that e-learning is linked with information technology or technology education that grow and evolve daily, and this is one of the main reasons for the inability to limit the concept of e-learning fixed terms.

But if you want access to the definition of e-learning has to be:

Determine the type of media and techniques used in the content of the learner transport
Include e-learning definition of what he refers to the learning that occurs and is managed electronically
Elaborating the meaning of this term, including revealing characteristics and basic features of this style of learning

The evolution of e-learning
Phase I: What in 1983. Before the era of the traditional teacher education, where he was a tradition before the spread of a computer, so communication between the teacher and student in the classroom by specific study table.
Phase II: from 11984- 1993. multimedia era was characterized using operating systems such as Windows and Almakintzh and magnetic disks and the like as instruments president of the development of education.
Phase III: 1993 - 2000 Global Information Network, and the emergence of the emergence of e-mail and electronic software to view video.
Phase IV: 2001 and Beyond. The second generation of the Internet, where views have evolved in multimedia, especially within the websites that kerion major development in this generation.

Types of e-Learning
First Direct e-learning Synchronous (Synchronous e-learning)
It is a way to e-learning to require the existence of a teacher with students at one time to conduct direct discussion between the teacher and students through chat rooms or receive lessons through virtual classrooms. This communication is carried out simultaneously by Nasao audio or video. The most important positives of this system students get immediate feedback, reducing the cost and dispensing go to the headquarters of the study.

Second, e-learning indirect asynchronous (Asynchronous e-learning)
It is a direct non-education, which does not require an existing teacher with students at the same time. So that communication between the teacher and students through teaching made up a plan of lectures dates and lectures content and are either video, sound, or multi-media and other modes of communication, they are placed the teacher on the educational site and then enter the student on the site and briefed on the study plan. And it is communicating with the teacher via e-mail or mailing lists. One of the main positives of this kind that gets students to study in its proper times, as well as the student can re-examine the material and refer to it electronically whenever he needs it. And cons of this system not the student is unable to get instant teacher Alrajh nutrition.

The importance of e-learning and its characteristics, objectives and advantages and disadvantages

Plays ICT INFORMATION-COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY significant role and important in the aspects of daily life are all in general and education in particular, has emerged many educational institutions that have adopted the use of such technology as arguments tanker in the process of educational communication; because they help to find practical learning effective and increase the role of learning in it. This has led to the emergence of new concepts in the world of education such as: e-learning, education mediated by the Internet, e-book, Virtual University, the library electronic and other electronic media that help the learner to learn at the place where he wants and in the time that he fit in and preferences without the obligation to come to the halls teaching at specific times. The availability of these new technologies in educational institutions, a process based on the use of integrated design education began, and termed different names was the most the concept of "e-learning e-Learning."
Attempts and interpretations which ruled the definition of the term "e-learning" on the identification of a comprehensive and precise concept of him; they considered this term from different angles and multiple concerns not collected. So we will try to provide different visions of the term and then provide a definition for it.
He knows Ghuloom (2002), e-learning as "an educational system that uses computer networks and information technology to strengthen the educational process ranges and expanded through a range of media, including: computers, the Internet, electronic and software."
And you know Almberek (2002) as "the kind of learning based on the use of the World Wide Information Network (www)".
And he knew Moosa (2002) as "a way of learning by using modern communication mechanisms of a computer, and its networks, multiple Osaith."
As it defined by Salem (2004) as "the educational system to provide educational or training programs for learners or trainees at any time and at any place, using interactive information and communication technologies; to provide a learning environment for interactive learning multiple sources."
The definition of "the American Society for Training and Development" American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)
E-learning, it was: "E-learning includes a wide range of applications and processes such as the use of the Web as a basis for learning, and the computer as a basis for learning, virtual classrooms, and digital collaboration. You can also transfer content through the Internet, and tapes voice and image, broadcast via satellite, interactive TV, and CD-ROMs.
Procedural definition:
The procedural definition of e-learning, it is: "a wide range of processes and applications that rely on a variety of electronic media in the delivery of content is either sync or asynchronously, with the presence of interaction to provide a learning environment for success."
From the above definitions of e-learning, it can be noted that:
1. scheme system and a well designed systems based on the trend.
2. cares elements of educational programs and all of its components.
3. relies on the use of interactive electronic media, including interactive video, video conferencing Video Conference.
4. cares educational programs and programs are all training.
5. It is a learning patterns remotely when the asynchronous manner
6. or synchronized manner, with a permanent or semi-permanent separation between the learner and the teacher. It can be synchronized manner in the classroom and the presence of the teacher as well.
7. E-learning supports self-learning and continuous learning principle for life, also supports the principle of cooperative learning.
E-Learning e-Learning Properties properties:
1. E-learning provides a learning environment based on fun in an interactive
Learning, the learner effort in research and investigation and cooperation.
2. The advantage of the flexibility in time and place, and to provide safety matters for the learner.
3. encourage lifelong learning at a lower cost than traditional learning, whether the aim of obtaining a degree or a recognized certification or otherwise.
4. Easy updated electronic educational material on the World Wide Web for information.
5. where the learner proceeding according to abilities and capacities of self-Pace Maker
E-learning objectives Objectives e-Learning
E-learning as any other educational system that seeks to achieve the following objectives:
1. Find an interactive learning environment between the elements of the educational system through electronic media tanker more than one direction regardless of how you define the environment and their variants.
2. Giving teachers and students skills are essential and necessary to deal with the use of technology.
3. Develop Alodoaralta carried out by both the administration and the teacher and the learner in the teaching-learning process; even
You can keep up with the ongoing scientific and technological developments.
4. Provide educational strategies to suit different age groups all; so that they are able to
Taking into account individual differences among them.
E-learning features and benefits of e-Learning Traits and Benefits
1. pattern of learning styles remotely Distance Learning, helps to provide learning opportunities for various segments of society at any time and any place according to the capabilities of the learner.
2. contribute to the development of the learner's thinking, as making it more dependent on himself and more active and continue with others, according to the philosophy of this educational style.
3. help address many of the problems Alterbuahalta including the problem of the growing numbers of students, and the problem of shortage of teachers with experience and competence, and the lack of possibilities available in the colleges of buildings and laboratories and so on and thus helps e-learning to reduce the cost of education.
4. characterized quickly and the delivery of information to the learner transport, in addition to the possibility and ease of updating information and topics on websites, and therefore easy to get continuous feedback during the learning process.
5. eliminates individual differences among learners, turning it from differences in the capacity to differences in time.
Cons of e-learning:
1. E-learning may not help the student to do the exercise non-academic activities such as social and sports activities and others.
2. High cost of e-learning, especially in the early stages of application, such as infrastructure and processing hardware and software design, communication and ongoing maintenance for it.
May cause new technologies to students some fatigue, Sitting at the computer for long periods it may be exhausted.
3. may cause concern when the learner; the presence of a defect in the design of the program.
The role of the teacher Instructor Role in e-Learning:
The teacher a major feedstock in any process of learning, but its role has become different from what it was previously, and especially in light of the information technology system, it is no longer just the carrier of information from a textbook into the minds of his disciples, but that it work for their participation positively to get the information, any provision of the outline of the educational content, directing the student to be looking for the rest of the information related to the subject from various sources using modern technological means; because the goal of the learning process is no longer just pass the tests, but it is working on building the mind and the development of mental and manual skills and scientific thinking types different.
And to complete the role of the teacher, it must change the role of cued scientific content to become a multi-roles, it may be a manager for the position of education, and designed for the educational process, and a producer of educational materials, and a guide to the learner, and denominated in the educational system assessment continues.
So, it has exceeded teachers' needs for academic preparation they became need education and also vocational preparation, especially with regard to educational development, such as the formulation of behavioral objectives, and analyze needs, identify portal behavior of the learner, and to identify students characteristics, and analysis tasks, and the use of learning resources, and the preparation and application spoken reference tests. And it, it is not essential for him to supply advanced technological science and values ​​associated with their use, as well as his mastery of a range of practical skills in the production of means, and operation of some of the machines and devices; to be used in the education of his students.
That is why the role of the teacher in e-learning is more important and more difficult than his role in the traditional education process, it is a creative person runs a highly efficient education process under the leadership and guidance of each student continuously towards the desired knowledge and the correct destination to take advantage of the available technology. In general, it has to be done the following:
1. be aware of the characteristics and qualities of each student is studying, through constant interaction between him and his students, and to encourage interaction between the constantly requested by the outside world.
2. to work efficiently as a guide and facilitator and prompt access to the desired knowledge.
3. be used for teaching skills take into account the diverse needs of students, including the skill of positive themes, and good listening skill, skill and respect for others' opinions, etc ...
So the teacher needs to train and rehabilitate continuing to learn the best ways to achieve integration between technology and detective studied, such as using computers and the Internet, for example, on the one hand, and between the detective each other on the other hand, so that it has the ability to teach distinct and efficient skillfully High.
6 role of the learner Student Role in e-Learning
Given his e-learning from a variety of sources of knowledge, the learner to change the role of the recipient of the information to a researcher from having the following skills:
1. The use of computers and the Internet, including e-mail.
2. Self-learning.
3. Ability to search for the desired scientific article.
4. Identify the information required for the course content.
5. Evaluation of information abstracted from these sources and choose what suits them.
6. The ability to interact with others electronically.
The role of the technical staff Trephination Role in e-Learning:
Is an important technical role in e-learning, it is the person who helps the learner to overcome some of the technical issues and the process of dealing with the related devices used problems, for example, may be a specialist in the computer and on the Internet network management as well as knowledge in the software, so the technical role complementary and integral to the role of the teacher, especially since the teacher may not have had the technical skills.
Role of management Administration Role in e-Learning:
The management system of high importance, administration is responsible for laying the foundations of the learning process, and the acceptance and registration process, and follow up on the student, and the management decisions and duties, and management of testing and quality control aspects of all of the educational process, in addition to providing all the necessary services for the learner and try to remove any obstacles or potential difficulties.
Aspects of the difference between e-learning and traditional learning. It can be summarized as the difference between the two sides in the following table:
the number
Traditional learning
Student helps to be the focus of the educational process, or is the most active element.
The teacher is the foundation of the learning process or the most active element.
Lack of commitment to a specific place or time (learning may be synchronized or asynchronous).
The student learns at the same time and the same place in the school classroom, any direct instruction (sync only).
E-learning is learning is open to everyone and can be integrated with work.
There are more limitations on the student, in terms of attendance and attendance in lessons seven days a week, and in terms of the age of the learner (convergence in the age of the students).
Be content in more than one body, for example, it may be scheduled electronically - a book electronically - a book visible, and more exciting and motivation of the student.
It provides scientific content in the form of a printed book.
Freedom to continue with more student teacher, especially using different methods such as e-mail, chat rooms and other
Communication between the student and the teacher specifically, it may be time share the school office at the most and watches.
The teacher's role is to assist and advise any that prompt and guide and mentor.
The teacher's role Eetmthelvi that carrier and cued to the information.
Students may have to deal with colleagues in different parts of the world and with many people.
Dealing with colleagues in the classroom, school or his neighborhood.
Student services are provided electronically and remotely.
Student Services offers the existence of the student (human) method.
Ease of updated educational materials submitted electronically what is new.
Educational materials remain stable without change or development for many years.
Taking into account individual differences among students is based on the provision of learning, according to the principle of individualized instruction.
Learning offers a full grade and explain one way that reduces individual differences into account.
E-learning model (the e-learning system components).
There are more than a form that can be applied for example, model Mansour Ghuloom (2002) consists of:
1. The scientific content of the material.
2. learning services.
3. Learning Management.
4. development and follow-up.
1. scientific content: includes electronic presentations of lessons and help with the activities of a more effective manner, and to integrate multimedia Kalmhakah direct, for example, and other presentations. This content is not placed in a make students read from a computer screen, but includes a variety Tsaibah and means of links, and the integration of vertical and horizontal in the subject with other educational topics. Also take into account the scientific content of classroom and extra-curricular activities.
2. Learning services: in order to enhance interaction and cooperation between the learner and the teacher and the learner and another learner or anyone else via E-mail or electronic E-Discussion or other discussion. Services also include an electronic library and all necessary student in the educational field electronically.
3. Learning Management: The role of management is extremely important in e-learning; being watching the performance of both the teacher and the learner, as well as the Calendar operations, and training for teachers. The Department is also responsible for providing the necessary student services for all the success and continuity of the educational process without leading to students dropping out of the educational program.
4. Development and Follow up: include the follow-up process of development and modernization of the means and the tools used and follow the continuity of educational programs successfully, and the development of the services offered to students, in addition to the training and preparation process for teachers, and any other matters related to educational programs.
Obstacles to e-learning application:
There are a range of obstacles to the application of this educational system, which varies from country to country depending on multiple variables and conditions, including, for example:
1. material cost required for any part in the e-learning system, the equipment and the design and production of software, training and communications services and the establishment of appropriate infrastructure.
2. The human factor, such as a lack of familiarity with the teachers and learners with the necessary skills to deal with the modern techniques, and lack of sufficient awareness among members of the community in this educational style or admit.
3. technical obstacles, namely related to dealing with breakdowns or sudden stop technologies for work, causing confusion for the learner and the teacher and the administration and others.
E-Learning e-Learning technologies Technology
As noted earlier, the e-learning depends on the use of multiple electronic media, whether it is done remotely or in the classroom, and the media:
1. Computer 2. Internet 3. scheduled mail
4. E-book 6. 5. video conferencing audio conferences
7. Interactive Video 8. default grade
1. Computer and E-Learning Computer & e-Learning
The use of the computer as a tool or broker education, became plays several roles in the provision of scientific material for learners in the e-learning system, and through integrated programs in terms of the formulation of objectives, content, activities, and the evaluation process and the interaction and feedback. These roles were summarized as follows:
1. Computer Based Instruction. (CBI) Computer essential means of teaching
2. Computer Assisted Instruction. (CAI) computer means to assist in teaching
3. Computer Managed Instruction. (CMI) and computer means in teaching management
4. Computer Mediated communication. (CMC) computer as a means of communication
It may be used as an educational tool to help the learner to rely on himself in learning the scientific article that progress through the educational software offers scientific content and the questions constructivism and receive answers learner and evaluation, and then provide feedback and help the teacher to provide the scientific content of the learners of different patterns, with a direct role to supervision and guidance and guidance and counseling, as well as the computer has helped to increase the interaction between the learner and the teacher on the one hand and content on the other.
There are a number of software that can be used in the formal e-learning and learning in general, including software:
1. training and practice 2. Simulation
3. Problem Solving *** 4. Multiple hypermedia
5. 6. word processing teacher tutor
7. In the field of games (scientific, recreational)
Note: *** can be seen solving problems on the CD folder - from your teaching strategies folder within a folder activities.
2. Internet Internet
Internet offers many services in all areas of life in general and in the educational process (e-learning), in particular, including the service:
1. e-mail.
2. FTP.
3. Contact a computer else.
4. World Wide Web.
5. Find information.
6. Conversation between people.
7. electronic magazines or periodicals.
8. phone calls over the Internet.
It features in the Internet in the field of e-learning, as follows:
1. Speed ​​in delivery and access to information and access to the required data and feedback between teacher and learner.
2. Provide many opportunities to ease the isolation of the learner, and provide the freedom for him to overcome the temporal and spatial dimensions.
3. lead to increased interaction between the learner and the others.
4. conducive to innovation and creativity in the development of teachers.
3: Decision-mail e-Course, a decision, which is used in the design of activities and educational materials based on the computer, and Ho well - rich content components and interactive multimedia in the form of software on the Internet. There are several types of e-courses, including:
1. Decisions replace traditional separation replace or support the traditional season.
2. Electronic decisions on the internet and electronic decisions are not supported on the Internet. In general, the online course based on the Internet from a range of tools that enable the learner to communicate with the academic supervisor and his colleagues, and access and participation in the decision information.
4. E-book e-Book
The book opens like a book, but it is not printed on paper and it is opened in a simplified manner, appears on the side of the screen the contents of each part of the book, and the reader
- Then - unless she is asked what he wants to see the issues whatever the size of the book. Most importantly, the e-book characterizes its small size and capacity that could reach encyclopedias capacity, and can search for any word or topic in just a few seconds, and it is very simple design and the reader can turn the pages one by one:
It is characteristic of this type of books:
1. The cost of the lack of published electronically printed.
2. shorten the time and easily search for specific information.
3. In addition to the interactive self-publishing.
4. Provide space and the preservation of the environment.
5. video conferencing video Conferencing
Is this technique in the transfer of voice and image speaker or speakers via the media technological opportunities provide a process of learning and distance education without regard to geographical boundaries, it helps to achieve the so-called educated Aketronacconnea effective ways, and the transfer of information, discuss and interact with them easily and quickly.
6. audio conferences Audio Teleconferencing
This technique is the use of a standard telephone connection with several phone lines working to connect the academic supervisor (teacher) learners in different and distant places for his whereabouts. This technique is characterized by the creation of the interaction between the two parties through phone calls, which reduces the learner awkward and shy when talking with the school.

An overview of e-learning and distance education system

During the past decade there has been a huge revolution in the educational computer applications and still use the computer in the field of education in its infancy, which is increasing day after day, even taking take many forms, it is computer education to the use of the Internet in education and finally emerged the concept of e-learning, which relies on technology to provide educational content to the learner a good and effective manner. There are also the characteristics and advantages of this type of education and highlight the most important features and benefits in saving time and effort and cost in addition to the computer's ability to improve the overall level of getting the school, help teachers and students to provide an attractive learning environment, do not rely on space or time. "

    The e-learning method of teaching methods in the delivery of information to the learner, and is in the use of modern communication mechanisms of a computer and its networks and multiple Osaith any sustainability technology of all kinds in the delivery of information to the learner in the shortest time and with less effort and greater interest and are managed to the educational process management and control, measure and evaluate the performance of learners .

    Information world revolution has made it more like a small electronic screen in the era of mixing between the media and information technology, culture and technology, and become a contact electronically and exchange of news and information between computer networks a reality, allowing quick access to science and knowledge centers and libraries and access to new, moment by moment.

The development stages of education:

- Phase I: What in 1983 ago.
     The era of the traditional teacher as was communication between the teacher and student in the classroom by specific study table.
- Phase II: 1984: 1993.
     Global Information Network "Internet" appearance
- The fourth stage: from 2001 onwards.
     The second generation of global information network, where he became a web design more advanced.

The concept of e-learning has began to spread since the use of electronic display to take lessons in traditional classrooms and the use of multimedia in the quarterly education and self-education operations, and the end of the construction of smart schools and virtual classrooms that allow students to attend and interact with lectures and seminars are held in other countries through the Internet and interactive television technologies .

Can e-learning including owned by the strength and flexibility to improve the educational process and solves a lot of problems by means of which education today, while maintaining the quality of education, in terms of:

- Educational content for students provides anytime, anywhere via the Internet and various other forms.
- Reduces education and training costs.
- Can follow the science accurately.
- Helps universities to accommodate the large numbers of students.
- Provide education to residents in remote areas.

What is e-learning what is the difference between him and distance education?
E-learning can be defined as a method of teaching methods in the delivery of information to the learner depends on the modern technologies of the computer and the Web, such as multiple CDs and Osaithma, and educational software, e-mail and Yards dialogue and debate.

And distance education is derived from the electronic study In both cases, part of the learner receives information from afar for the teacher place (source of information), and when we talk about electronic study not necessarily have to talk about the immediate education simultaneous (online learning), but may be e-learning is synchronous. Education is the default: It is a, learn useful from remote locations is not bounded by time and place of the Internet and technology.

Blended Learning (Blended Learning):
Built education encompasses a range of media that is designed to complement each other, and learning program built could include many learning tools, such as virtual collaborative learning Messaging software, the decisions adopted on the Internet, and the decisions of self-learning systems, and electronic performance support, and learning management systems , as well as built-learning blends multiple events based on activity includes learning in the traditional classroom where the teacher with the students meet face-to-face, self-learning the blending between synchronous and asynchronous learning.

How employs hobbies and interests as a teacher in the classroom

I've always loved those teachers who were recounting tales from us their biography or stories or realistic fictional ancient heritage. It was the most enjoyable moments and the best talents and their means also to teach implicitly scientific or social concepts ... we did not then recognize the importance and value of that talent, but today were Hasratna separation walls in front of the students are looking for an example to them, cares Bhoayatem and understand Meulathm and aware of what We love and enjoy doing, we find ourselves obliged foremost on exercise and video games and reading books and recognize the arts and knowledge of modern technology ... before the planning and preparation of lessons.
But the question may ask is: How do you employ your hobbies and interests and talents as a teacher in the classroom?
Whether you are an amateur sport, art or politics or the other, make sure that you can be so successful teacher who influences his students over their own lives Blmsth that go beyond the curriculum and formal decisions.

1-If you're a sports fan

- Be sure to granulation exercise for students.
- Explain to your students the rules of some individual and team sports and knew the most famous teams and athletes.
- Try to bring the concept of sportsmanship them.
- Accept the biography of some famous athletes as models of success.
- Your simple exercises Ahamaiah chapter in the company of students before the start of the morning session or the afternoon.
- Accompanied the students to a sports match in the context of parallel activities and join them fun to watch the game on the pitch.
- Then the formation of sports teams for the school or chapter to compete in the internal or school or other tournaments.

2. If you are an amateur arts

- Knew the types of arts, history and pioneers and the specifics of each and every one of them.
- Try a combination of art and some subjects such as mathematics and writing in your lessons.
- Show short films or plastic plates, for example, students and prominent reservoirs of creativity in them.
- Established a school clubs for the theater and painting and cinema and then framed the students and their training and the completion of projects with them.
- Took advantage of school concerts and open days to highlight the artistic talents of the students.
- Students sing some songs aimed at breaking the deadlock participated in the activities.
- Use some of the songs and the songs in the appropriate language teaching is very effective way.
- Zain Chapter creativity of learners in drawing, photography and handicrafts.

3. If you are an amateur policy

- Aware of your students that the difference in opinion does not spoil the intimacy.
- Mark your classroom as a community miniature to spread the principles of shura, justice, equality and freedom among students.
- Give each student the opportunity to express his opinion.
- Discuss some political things with the students in the context of taking into account the lessons of neutrality in Tdkhalatk.
- Explain the concept of law and the principles of unionism and partisan, and the importance of voluntary work and associative as well.
- Write the domestic law of the chapter together with the students and put it in a visible place for all.

4. If you are an amateur travel

- Organize with entertaining character and educational at the same time school trips.
- Known to children the benefits of travel and meet other cultures and civilizations.
- Encouraged the learners to learn different languages.
- Told them at every opportunity and the different states and cities, its advantages and some traditions and known her habits.
- After every holiday, ask the learners to talk about the places they visited orally or in writing.

5. Amakint amateur cooking

- Science students that healthy mind in a healthy body in proper nutrition.
- Take the nature of some of the lessons and classroom activities related to mathematics and science, especially to prepare a meal en masse with the chapter members.
- I would advise students about healthy food selection and free purchases of manufactured goods harmful to health.
- Has known some meals and local cuisine or world and its constituent elements.
- Helped in linking the culinary traditions and customs and peculiarities of each community.

6. If you are an amateur technology

- Use of technology in education: smart devices, applications, websites ...
- Students discussed about the latest technical developments and new technologies.
- Knew the risks of continued use of mobile devices and smart phones.
- Design a special site school or chapter with the participation of students in it and sharing experiences with other schools.
- Face your students to the safe use and useful for the web.
- Select a list of the best educational applications and then print them and distribute them to students.

7. If you are an amateur nature

- Accompanied the students on a field PCA whenever the opportunity arises.
- Zain classroom picturesque images of nature and beautiful animals.
- Talk with students in all Mai_khas preservation of the environment and kindness to animals.
- Helped in preparing and decorating the school garden and corners Chapter trees, plants, and beautiful flowers.
- Knowing that the plants and organisms like us, animals need to be nurtured and taken care of.

8. If you history buffs

- Tighten everything you read by students or concepts they learn from historical events directly related to the lesson.
- About your classroom into a museum & Accessories historic images of expressive and beautiful antiques students remember the heritage and culture of their country.
- Accompanied the students on field trips to museums, historical sites and archaeological close to the city.
- Cut them fairy tales and historical stories expressive.

9. If you are a fan of the books and magazines

- Knew the most famous writers, and writers and poets and scientists in all fields as well as the history and the evolution of literature and scientific discoveries.
- Recommend to your students about the nature of useful books for ages.
- Completed Chapter library or school with the help of students.
- Helped in the creation of digital magazines or school newspapers.

Can not be limited teachers' interests and hobbies in only nine points, there are also a lot of talent and energies that are waiting their chance to go. You need only to those recognized, or at least create some of her methods and requirements and as much simplicity as far as standing barrier to change the shape and quality of education our Arab world.